‘Where’s the Brew Stop? The off-road cycle touring website’.About off- road cycle touring routes, cyclist’s cafes, off-road cycle touring, local group events and good photos.For cyclists who love off-road leisure cycling in Northern England
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Group information PageThe Where’s the Brew Stop? Cycle touring group was re launch in August 2018 to cater for cyclists who want a slow pace ride of around 25 to 30 miles, the rides usual start from inside cafe at around 10am for coffee and cake before heading out on the ride at around 10.30am. How you get to start of the ride is up to you, you may cycle to start or put your bike in the back of car and drive to the start. You can join us in the cafe or tearoom at the start of the ride for coffee and cake before heading off to do your own ride, you don’t have come out on the ride with us, just come for the chat and say hello.For anyone who not a member of Cycling UK or the RSF and to keep the administration of the group down to bare minimum we do ask you to join Cycling UK before coming out with the group, the reason for this is that Cycling UK membership does include s £10 million pound of third party liability insurance cover in membership package which work out at £3.75 per or £45 per year for adult, membership of Cycling UK does give you access to over 200 cycling groups around the UK which part of Cycling UK, you read more about membership package at this link and should treat membership of Cycling UK as essential part of your cycling equipment.The rides are advertise on the RSF website as private member led rides, like most RSF members Simeon the webmaster of this website is member of both cycling clubs.The Group’s rides are traditional cycling touring rides with few off-road sections in the ride, so please come on something suitable for ride and not on your racing bike.The pace of the ride will kept to between 6 mph and 9mph depending on terrain we covering and may be slower on a bridleway. If looking for faster cycling touring rides, you should check out CTC Lancaster & South Lakes members group website for information on their program of rides on Thursday and Sunday (Please note that CTC Lancaster & South Lakes members group is Cycling UK local group and your Cycling UK membership includes membership of this group).For those of you wanting more adventurous off-road rides do check out the events and rides page on the RSF website and please note that you have to be member of the RSF to go out on these rides, membership of the RSF cost £12 per year and does not include third party insurance like Cycling UK membership does. The RSF as several local groups in the North West which put on rides for RSF members including the South Lakes Group which put on rare monthly rides into the hills and mountains of the South Lakes Area.Our rides are tailor to suit the folk that turn up for the ride on the day and on whats bikes they are riding, we usually stop for lunch at side of lane or track with good view and later on in the afternoon we stop at tearoom or cafe for another refreshment stop (The reason why the Group is call the Where’s the Brew Stop? Cycling touring group as usually some discussion where next cafe stop on the ride). After the afternoon cafe stop the ride starts break up as folk peel off to head for home, as we head back to starting point of ride to pick up cars or to meet non cycling partners who have come pick their other half’s up.The ride program is sort out my Simeon the webmaster who leads most of the group rides, when the group get more members come out on rides regularly, other members of the group will ask to lead rides but will not happen until you have becoming out with the group for over year.The majority of the rides will start at cafe or tearoom near Lancaster but some rides will start further a field.We do encourage members of the group to get off their bikes when they come to steep hill if they wish do, if you cycle up the hill you must wait at summit of the climb for the rest of the party catch up.For post ride discussions the group does have mailing list which you can join at this link. How the mailing list work’s when you send e-mail to mailing list e-mail address, the e-mail sent all members on the list.Simeon the webmaster does send out a weekly e-newsletter about site updates on Thursday evening if want your e-mail address added to his mailing list for the weekly newsletter you do so at this link.The group does have flicker group which members of the group can join at this link but you must have flicker account before becoming a member of the flicker group.Simeon the webmaster, does take photos of every ride the group does, writes a ride report, plus adds a gpx file to site’s route guide. You find list of Group’s past events at this link.If you in one photos taken by Simeon in one photo ride reports he only use your first name and not your full name. If you don’t want photo taken of you during please let him know at start of ride.Simeon the webmaster does promote the group rides on various cycling forums and on social media websites this does drive traffic to monthly ride photo galleries on the main part of Where’s the Brew Stop? Off-road cycle touring website.The running costs of the Where’s the Brew Stop? Off-road cycle touring website is met through advertising, we do use Google Adsense program on the website to meet some website running costs.The Where’s the Brew Stop? Cycling group part of the website in it own section on website can be move to another domain name at later date if needed. Its currently as six pages and Simeon the webmaster edit this part of the website using Xara Designer Pro X software.We try to keep group as informal as possible but its early days, which direct the group goes will up to members who come out on future rides of the group.I hope you found this group information page useful to read, if Simeon the webmaster as miss anything please let him know, he will hope to see you on the next Where’s the Brew Stop? Cycle touring group ride in near future.