‘Where’s the Brew Stop? The off-road cycle touring website’.About off- road cycle touring routes, cyclist’s cafes, off-road cycle touring, local group events and good photos.For cyclists who love off-road leisure cycling in Northern England
Forthcoming events of the Where’s the Brewstop? Cycle touring groupSunday 7th January ride to Arnside Knott, meet up at 10am inside the Roost Cafe at the RSPB visitor centre at Leighton Moss for a brew and chat before heading out on the ride, please note there one off-road section, please bring a pack lunch and there be afternoon cafe stop.Sunday 14th January ride to Burton-in-lonsdale, meet up at 10am inside Bridge House Farm Tearooms for a brew and chat before heading out on the ride. please note there one off-road section, please bring a pack lunch.Sunday 21st January ride to Farleton, meet up at 10am inside Saddle Cafe for a brew and chat before heading out on the ride, please bring a pack lunch.Sunday 28th January ride to Sedgwick, meet up at 10am inside the Roost Cafe at the RSPB Visitor Centre for brew and chat before heading out on the ride, please bring a pack lunch.Sunday 4th February ride up Roeburndale and down Littledale, meet up at Halton Station at 10am, please bring a pack lunch.Sunday 11th February ride to Stainton, meet up at 10am inside Saddle Cafe for a brew and chat before heading out on the ride, please bring a pack lunch.Sunday 18th February ride to Brigsteer, meet up at 10am inside the Roost Cafe for a brew and chat before heading out on the ride, please bring a pack lunch.Sunday 25th February ride to Mason Gill and along the Tow Scar Road, meet up at 10am inside the Bridge House Tearooms, please note there are off-road sections on this ride, please bring a pack lunch.Please note the ride leader will be decided on the day and destination may change on the day depending who has best ideal, please bring camera with you as be plenty photo stops and please note that rides are shorter in the Winter months and longer in the Summer months.You can sign up for site’s e-mail newsletter at this link for more information, the newsletter is only send out when there be some site updates usually on Thursday evening.Simeon Orme (Webmaster for Where’s the Brewstop? The off-road cycle touring website)Please note these rides aim at Cycling UK and Rough-Stuff Fellowship Members and before coming out on the rides you must become a member of one of these clubs, if not member of one of these cycling groups and if wish to come out on ride please contact Simeon on 01524-811843 for more information. Also please read Group information page before contacting Simeon as your answer to your question maybe on this page.
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