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Where's the brew stop? off-road cycle touring website

Cycle touring articles by Pat Lloyd and other folk.
This part of the website as small collection of cycle touring articles written by webmaster mother Pat Lloyd and other folk.

From the RSF Archives
This website started its life off promoting a local group of the Rough-Stuff Fellowship, so I have build up small archive of information about the world oldest off-road cycle touring club at this link.

The Ride Photo Galleries
The ride photo galleries are archive of photo ride reports dating back over several years taken by Simeon and few friends of rides around North Lancashire, Cumbria, North Lancashire and further a field.

Simeon's Garden
Yes you may think its strange having gardening section on off-road cycling touring website but Simeon's day job is as Greenkeeper at local golf club where he has work for last 32 years in North Lancashire and as spend over forty years working in the Horticulture industry, so Simeon's Garden about Simeon love of gardening.

The walking route guide
This  section to website, with list of walks around North Lancashire, Cumbria and North Yorkshire which you can download as gps route files at this link.

Rides to the Wayfarer Memorial Stone
This part of website is about history of Wayfarer Memorial Stone and with some photo ride reports of cyclists visits to Memorial Stone.

Cyclist Guide to Photography
This section of website is about photography and first page is on photo editing software and photo plugins that are use edit photo on this website. At start of 2022 Simeon the webmaster of this website started take a photo or more a day and adding each day to the 2022 photo a day photo galleries.

You can follow Simeon on Social Media at:
Facebook, Flicker, Instagram and Twitter.

The Weekly Newsletter
I do send weekly e-newsletter ‘Where’s the Cafe?’ Is e-mail to everyone on the mailing list on Thursday evening with site updates for past week and news of forthcoming local group events, you sign up for the newsletter at this link.

Change of domain name and website updating
In the Spring of 2019 the webmaster took the difficult decision change this website domain name from the www.southlakesgroup.org to www. thebrewstop.co.uk to reflect name of website better which was change in 2014 when this website's in house cycling group 'The South Lakes Group' decided to move its reports of its cycling actives on to RSF website. So over the course of Summer of 2019, a lot stuff that was on was on the old website as been move across to the new website and the information on old domain name website as been taken down, with web traffic being redirect from the old website domain name to new website domain name.

With regards to photo galleries we only moved 2017, 2018 and 2019 so far! So you  may find few broken links on the website to photo galleries before 2017 which are going republish in the future.

About site
The site was started on 6th March 2001 and last updated on 15thFebruary 2025, by Simeon Orme who is webmaster, to promote South Lakes Group events and now grow into site about off-road cycle touring in Northern England and further a field and photography.

Welcome to my web site, which is hobby website about the off-road cycle touring in Northern England and further a field, also about photography  and good cycling photos. On the site you find information where the best cyclist friendly cafes are in our Cyclist’s Cafe Guide, Simeon's garden (the gardening part of the website),  ideals for rides in our Off-road Cycling Route Guide , our new Cycle touring route guide and ideals for walks in our walking route guide or if just want look at ride photos or photos in the photo a day photo galleries you can check them out at this link.
'Where's the Brew Stop? The off-road cycle touring website'.

About off- road cycle touring routes, cyclist’s cafes, off-road cycle touring, local group events and good photos.

For cyclists who love off-road leisure cycling in Northern England
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The above photos are the lastest you can see in 2024 photo galleries which updated daily.
Above some of the cakes that Simeon the webmaster  has eaten over past year, you can check out the website Cyclist Cafe guide Guide to find out where best cafes and tearooms are in the  Arnside and Silverdale ANOB, Forest of Bowland ANOB, Yorkshire Dales National Park, Lake District National Park, North Lancashire, South East Cumbria and North East Cumbria.
Daily updates

The website is updated several times each week usually with photos taken by Simeon for his photo a day project, you can click here to find out what's new on the website.
The website cycling group

This usual informal group of one, Simeon and his cameras but you welcome to join him on his adventures on two wheels around North Lancashire, Cumbria and North Lancashire. The rides usually start from various cafes in North Lancashire, you can find out where he going next at this link.